29 February 2008

28 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Passing out free condoms on the university campus, a very good idea.

27 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Even Clinton would be better off he used a condom.
So be politically correct and safe, use one!

26 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Oooo he is prepared, and that's good. She should still have a condom in her purse for a back-up!

25 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Men are PIGS, so ladies, carry your own protection.

24 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Condom awareness week on campus or just a college prank, you decide.

22 February 2008

Video: How to Get Laid

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

You better remember to use a condom, or it may get infected and fall off.

21 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

A strange use for a condom, hope it wasn't a used one, ha ha!

20 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Yes ladies, buy your own, have a condom on hand, don't trust a man to bring one with him.

19 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Yes, flavored condoms. Ladies find the one you like best and use it for oral sex. They have chocolate...

18 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Not using a condom can result in death down the road.

16 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

You will still need a condom, even for a BJ.

14 February 2008

Valentine Days Special Edition

No this is not nor can it be used as a Condom.
But dream on, dream on!

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

13 February 2008

12 February 2008

11 February 2008

10 February 2008

09 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

So that's where they go after you pull the condom off your penis.

08 February 2008

07 February 2008

06 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

So you don't forget, a condom on a key chain.

03 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

Come on in, buy some, can't have enough protection.

01 February 2008

Condom Facts and Daily Images:

This guy is gonna need a super sized specially made condom.